Posted on March 13, 2013 5:55 PM   |   Permanent Link   

Dublin Bay North T.D., Seán Kenny, has welcomed the announcement that the amount of Property Tax receipts to remain with local authorities will be increased from 65% to 80%.

"The increased amount of Property Tax to be retained is to be 80% - this is 15% higher than was recommended in the Thornhill Report, and demonstrates that Government is eager to allow local authorities to fund local services themselves, and not be forced to depend on central Government funding."

"Labour in Government has been working to see the amount of the Property Tax retained by local authorities increase, and I am very happy to see that this has now happened. I am very aware that the property tax is seen as an extra burden, but it is absolutely vital that local government can pay for local services, such as road maintenance, parks maintenance and local libraries."

"I believe that if people see this is happening, they will see that the Property Tax is a fair tax, and not a tax that is tacked on as yet another revenue generating exercise. Another point in terms of fairness is that this tax has been calculated so that those with the most valuable properties will pay the most."

"The remaining 20% of Property Tax receipts will go into a central fund to be used by local authorities on the basis of need, allocated by Central Government. This too is a good idea, as it provides a reserve for local authorities who may need some extra funding from time to time. I welcome these developments very much, and I know that Dublin City Council and Fingal County Council will also welcome it as it gives them a greater ability to serve the communities they are responsible for."